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5 organic supplements for your skin and health

Here are 5 of my favorite super wellness products that keep me looking and feeling younger than ever
Wellness supplements 2022 fruit and veggies

These supplements are some of my daily and weekly go-to's for a boost of energy and wellness. They are life-changing. I hope you try them and feel the amazing results.

1. Oregano oil

Oregano oil and basil oil

Oregano oil is known to have many immunity health benefits and its has gotten me through all the winters, flu free. This stuff is strong to taste and gives a burning sensation. The most popular way to consume it is in a shot form mixed with a leafy green, like wheatgrass or spinach. It is worth the burn and you will come to love this magic oil.

Purchase here $12.85

aka Ormus aka Liquid Gold.

Monatomic gold

Monatomic Gold has long been popular amongst models and celebs, on the search for eternal youth and beautiful skin. For shaman and spiritualist it is known to be a high frequency, 5th dimensional element.

If neither of those reasons motivate you, Ormus is known to enhance mental focus and reduce unwanted effects of electromagnetic radiation. It can be consumed in capsule form but liquid is my recommendation for beginners.


3. Ginko Biloba

Ginko Biloba is natural leaf supplement that is popular for healthy brain activity and mental clarity. It is highly recommended for aging minds and reducing anxiety.This stuff really works. I take it at least twice a week in pill form, and it improves my mind and mobility.

Buy on Amazon


Chlorophyll is a powerful natural substance that gives plants their green color and helps the plants to absorb energy from the sun. My body feels at ease and my bones feel extra lubricated when I take chlorophyll. The easiest way to enjoy it is in liquid form.

***Try this simple

Chlorophyll lemonade recipe:

Chlorophyll lemonade

Per 16 oz. glass add

  • 2 Tablespoons lemon juice

  • 1 Tablespoon of liquid chlorophyll

  • Organic maple syrup to taste

Stir ingredients and fill the remaining with water

5. My Kind Organics

Once daily multivitamins for women and men

This is my new favorite multivitamin and this whole brand is really the truth. From prenatals to their once daily, get a bottle for yourself and the man in your life and you will both find that renewed energy you've been looking for. Check out the amazing organic ingredients with the link below.


Organic multi-vitamins from Costco

Lastly if you want a one and done capsule for daily use, make it organic and try this popular multi-vitamin. This vitamin has everything you need from B12 to seaweed. It is a lifesaver. 80 tablets per bottle.


Your skin will love these natural supplements and your energy will be through the roof!

Everybody's doing it, so what are you waiting for? Eating your wellness has never been more popular, and I'm on the band wagon. After trying these supplements and superfoods, I can attest they really work.

Visit the wellness shop page here to discover more healthy supplements to improve your daily performance.

xoxo -Organic Showgirl




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